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McGuffey's Fifth Eclectic Reader by William Holmes McGuffey
page 39 of 432 (09%)
nations but of the Alps themselves--shall I compare myself with this

Shall we try argument? Sir, we have been trying that for the LAST TEN

And if thou said'st I am not peer
To any lord in Scotland here,
Lowland or Highland, far or near,


The emphatic expression of a sentence often requires a pause where the
grammatical construction authorizes none. This is sometimes called the
rhetorical pause. Such pauses occur chiefly before or after an emphatic
word or phrase, and sometimes both before and after it.


Rise--fellow-men! our country--yet remains!
By that dread name we wave the sword on high,
And swear for her--to live--with her--to die.

But most--by numbers judge the poet's song:
And smooth or rough, with them is--right or wrong.

He said; then full before their sight
Produced the beast, and lo!--'t was white.

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