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McGuffey's Fifth Eclectic Reader by William Holmes McGuffey
page 46 of 432 (10%)
Exhausted all || the church's prayers.

This manner of reading, however, would very much interfere with the proper
expression of the idea. This is to be corrected by making the caesural
pause yield to the sense. The above lines should be read thus:

With fruitless labor || Clara bound,
And strove || to stanch the gushing wound;
The Monk || with unavailing cares,
Exhausted || all the church's prayers,


(To be read in a solemn tone.)

Franklin is dead. The genius who freed America', and poured a
copious stream of knowledge throughout Europe', is returned unto the bosom
of the Divinity'. The sage to whom two worlds' lay claim, the man for whom
science' and politics' are disputing, indisputably enjoyed au elevated
rank in human nature.

The cabinets of princes have been long in the habit of notifying the death
of those who were great', only in their funeral orations'. Long hath the
etiquette of courts', proclaimed the mourning of hypocrisy'. Nations'
should wear mourning for none but their benefactors'. The representatives'
of nations should recommend to public homage' only those who have been the
heroes of humanity'.
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