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McGuffey's Fifth Eclectic Reader by William Holmes McGuffey
page 54 of 432 (12%)

3. In the first place, he did not articulate distinctly. He huddled his
words together in the utterance, as if they were syllables of one long
word, which he must get through with as speedily as possible. His
pronunciation was bad, and he did not modulate his voice so as to bring
out the meaning of what he read. Every sentence was uttered with a dismal
monotony of voice, as if it did not differ in any respect from that which
preceded it.

4. "Stop!" said the King, impatiently. "Is it an auctioneer's list of
goods to be sold that you are hurrying over? Send your companion to me."
Another page who stood at the door now entered, and to him the King gave
the petition. The second page began by hemming and clearing his throat in
such an affected manner that the King jokingly asked him whether he had
not slept in the public garden, with the gate open, the night before.

5. The second page had a good share of self-conceit, however, and so was
not greatly confused by the King's jest. He determined that he would avoid
the mistake which his comrade had made. So he commenced reading the
petition slowly and with great formality, emphasizing every word, and
prolonging the articulation of every syllable. But his manner was so
tedious that the King cried out, "Stop! are you reciting a lesson in the
elementary sounds? Out of the room! But no: stay! Send me that little girl
who is sitting there by the fountain."

6. The girl thus pointed out by the King was a daughter of one of the
laborers employed by the royal gardener; and she had come to help her
father weed the flower beds. It chanced that, like many of the poor people
in Prussia, she had received a good education. She was somewhat alarmed
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