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McGuffey's Fifth Eclectic Reader by William Holmes McGuffey
page 60 of 432 (13%)

3. Turning aside, and passing through the ill-hung gate, I approached the
dwelling. Slowly the gate swung on its wooden hinges, and the rattle of
its latch, in closing, did not disturb the air until I had nearly reached
the porch in front of the house, in which a slender girl, who had noticed
my entrance, stood awaiting my arrival.

4. A deep, quick bark answered, almost like an echo, the sound of the
shutting gate, and, sudden as an apparition, the form of an immense dog
loomed in the doorway. At the instant when he was about to spring, a light
hand was laid upon his shaggy neck, and a low word spoken.

5. "Go in, Tiger," said the girl, not in a voice of authority, yet in her
gentle tones was the consciousness that she would be obeyed; and, as she
spoke, she lightly bore upon the animal with her hand, and he turned away
and disappeared within the dwelling.

6. "Who's that?" A rough voice asked the question; and now a heavy-looking
man took the dog's place in the door.

7. "How far is it to G--?" I asked, not deeming it best to say, in the
beginning, that I sought a resting place for the night.

8. "To G--!" growled the man, but not so harshly as at first. "It's good
six miles from here."

9. "A long distance; and I'm a stranger and on foot," said I. "If you can
make room for me until morning, I will be very thankful."

10. I saw the girl's hand move quickly up his arm, until it rested on his
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