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McGuffey's Fifth Eclectic Reader by William Holmes McGuffey
page 70 of 432 (16%)
A false note is really fun
From such a bird as you!
Lift up your proud little crest,
Open your musical beak;
Other birds have to do their best,
You need only to speak!"

6. The nightingale shyly took
Her head from under her wing,
And, giving the dove a look,
Straightway began to sing.
There was never a bird could pass;
The night was divinely calm;
And the people stood on the grass
To hear that wonderful psalm.

6. The nightingale did not care,
She only sang to the skies;
Her song ascended there,
And there she fixed her eyes.
The people that stood below
She knew but little about;
And this tale has a moral, I know,
If you'll try and find it out.

DEFINITIONS.--2. Saun'ter-ing, wandering idly, strolling. Snick'er, to
laugh in a half-suppressed manner. 4. Crest, a tuft growing on an animal's
head. 5. Di-vine'ly, in a supreme degree. 6. Mor'al, the practical lesson
which anything is fitted to teach.
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