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McGuffey's Fifth Eclectic Reader by William Holmes McGuffey
page 97 of 432 (22%)

DEFINITIONS.--1. Hoard, a large quantify of anything laid up. Lav'ish.
profuse. 4. Meads, meadows. 9. Vap'id, spiritless, dull. Samp, bruised
corn cooked by boiling.

Notes.--8. According to the ancient fable, Apollo, the god of music, sowed
the isle of Delos, his birthplace, with golden flowers, by the music of
his lyre.


John Russell (b. 1793, d. 1863) graduated at Middlebury College, Vt., in
1818. He was at one time editor of the "Backwoodsman," published at
Grafton, Ill., and later of the "Louisville Advocate." He was the author
of many tales of western adventure and of numerous essays, sketches, etc.
His language is clear, chaste, and classical; his style concise, vigorous,
and sometimes highly ornate.

1. Who has not heard of the rattlesnake or copperhead? An unexpected sight
of either of these reptiles will make even the lords of creation recoil;
but there is a species of worm, found in various parts of this country,
which conveys a poison of a nature so deadly that, compared with it, even
the venom of the rattlesnake is harmless. To guard our readers against
this foe of human kind is the object of this lesson.

2. This worm varies much in size. It is frequently an inch in diameter,
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