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McGuffey's Fifth Eclectic Reader by William Holmes McGuffey
page 99 of 432 (22%)
him through many a sorrow.

7. Youths of America, would you know the name of this reptile? It is
called the WORM OF THE STILL.

DEFINITIONS.--1. Rep'tiles, animals that crawl, as snakes, liz-ards, etc.
Re-coil', to start back, to shrink from. 2. Co'bra, a highly venomous
reptile inhabiting the East Indies. In-fest'ed, troubled, annoyed. 3.
Sub'tile, acute, piercing. In-fus'es, intro-duces. 4. Ob-structs',
hinders. De-lir'i-um, a wandering of the mind. 5. Ran'kle, to rage.
Par'ox-ysm, a fit, a convulsion. 7. Worm, a spiral metallic pipe used in
distilling liquors. Still, a vessel used in distilling or making liquors.


1. Come to the festal board tonight,
For bright-eyed beauty will be there,
Her coral lips in nectar steeped,
And garlanded her hair.

2. Come to the festal board to-night,
For there the joyous laugh of youth
Will ring those silvery peals, which speak
Of bosom pure and stainless truth.

3. Come to the festal board to-night,
For friendship, there, with stronger chain,
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