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Proserpina, Volume 2 - Studies Of Wayside Flowers by John Ruskin
page 15 of 120 (12%)
(4) " Hirta. Hairy 618

(5) " Mirabilis. Marvellous 1045

(6) " Montana. Mountain 1329

(7) " Odorata. Odorous 309

(8) " Palustris. Marshy 83

(9) " Tricolor. Three-coloured 623

(9B) " Tricolor. Var. Arenaria, Sandy 2647

(10) " Elatior. Taller 68

(11) " Epipsila. (Heaven knows what: it is 2405
Greek, not Latin, and looks as
if it meant something between
a bishop and a short letter e)

I next run down this list, noting what names we can keep, and what we
can't; and what aren't worth keeping, if we could: passing over the
varieties, however, for the present, wholly.

(1) Arvensis. Field-violet. Good.

(2) Biflora. A good epithet, but in false Latin. It is to be our Viola
aurea, golden pansy.
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