The Jervaise Comedy by J. D. (John Davys) Beresford
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IX BANKS X THE HOME FARM XI THE STORY XII CONVERSION XIII FARMER BANKS XIV MRS. BANKS XV REMEMBRANCE POSTSCRIPT--THE TRUE STORY THE JERVAISE COMEDY I THE FIRST HOUR When I was actually experiencing the thrill, it came delightfully, however, blended with a threat that proclaimed the imminent consequence of dismay. I appreciated the coming of the thrill, as a rare and unexpected "dramatic moment." I savoured and enjoyed it as a real adventure suddenly presented in the midst of the common business of life. I imaginatively transplanted the scene from the Hall of Thorp-Jervaise to a West-End theatre; and in my instant part of unoccupied spectator I admired the art with which the affair had been staged. It is so seldom that we are given an opportunity to witness one of these "high moments," and naturally |