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David Lockwin—The People's Idol by John McGovern
page 100 of 249 (40%)
There are three or four booming sounds. Corkey is startled. They are

It is the yawl making its hollow sound.

But there are no noises of human beings. "Oddest thing I ever see!"
says Corkey. "I didn't know a shipwreck was like this. Everything is
different from what is printed--Lord save me!"

The Africa is rolling.

"Here goes!" It is now or never.

Corkey has short, tough fingers. He grasps that rope like a vise. He
wraps his left leg well in the coils. He kicks the steamer with his
right. The small boat does not touch the water when the steamer is
sitting straight in the sea.

It is a horrible turmoil in which to enter. Perhaps he came down too

"I wish I had some one with me now. Mebbe the two of us would get an

The second mate looks over the gunwale from the prow of the steamer.
He knows a land-lubber is handling a yawl.

"D---- fool!" he mutters.

In the Georgian Bay, if the ship go down, all hands are to drown. Only
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