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David Lockwin—The People's Idol by John McGovern
page 114 of 249 (45%)
"Yes, but begin with the thrilling scenes."

"There wa'n't no scenes. I never see anything like it."

"Of course you didn't."

"Well, dry up. The cap'n he came in and went out. The first mate--he
wa'n't no good on earth--well--he--"

The remembrance of the first mate's indignities throws Corkey into a
long fit of strangling, ending with a monstrous sneeze.

"That's what wrecked her," observes the witty reporter.

"Exactly. I was trying to give you what this Aleck of a first mate was
a-saying. After that we start out on deck, and I go up on the
hurricane, and stand there in the dark."

"What did you see up there?"

Corkey gazes scornfully at his inquisitors.

"As I was a-saying, I let down the yawl, and it was no good--it was
good enough--it saved us. When I get in the wet, I screw my nut and
the blooming old tub was gone down, I reckon!"

When Corkey screws his nut he turns his head. He can use no other

The interviewers are busy catching his exact words.
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