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David Lockwin—The People's Idol by John McGovern
page 120 of 249 (48%)



Esther Lockwin, the bride of a few months, has been hungrily happy.

She has been the wife of David Lockwin, the people's idol. She has
passed out of a single state which had become wearisome. She has
removed from a vast mansion to a less conspicuous home.

Of all the women in Chicago she would consider herself most fortunate.

People call her cold. It is certain that she is best pleased with a
husband like Lockwin. It is his business to be famous.

"Go to Congress," she says. "Outlive your enemies. I think, David,
that men are not the equals of women in defending themselves against
the shafts of enmity. Outlive your enemies, David."

That Lockwin has the nature she required was to be seen in the death of
Davy. An event which would have beclouded the life of common brides
came to Esther as an important communication. She saw Lockwin's heart.
She saw him kissing the soles of Davy's feet. There is something
despotic in her nature which was satisfied in his act. There is also a
devotion in her nature which might be as profound.

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