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David Lockwin—The People's Idol by John McGovern
page 142 of 249 (57%)
of the propeller Africa, off Cape Croker. For full particulars and
suggestions, address H. M. H. Wandrell, Chicago, Ill."

This advertisement may be seen everywhere. It increases the public
excitement attending the death of the people's idol. There is a
ferment of the whole body politic.

Of all the popular pastors who turn the catastrophe to their account
the famous preacher at Esther Lockwin's church makes the most of it.
To a vast gathering of the devout and the curious he dwells upon the
uncertainties of life. Here, indeed, was a Chicagoan who but yesterday
was almost certain to be President of the United States.

"Now his beloved body, my dear brethren and fellow-citizens, lies
buried in the sands of an unfrequented sea."

There is suppressed emotion.

"And as for man," chants the harmonious choir, "his days are as grass."

"As a flower of the field," sounds the bass.

"So he flourisheth," answers the soft alto.

"For the wind passeth over it," sings the tenor.

"And it is gone," proclaims the treble.

"And the place thereof shall know it no more," breathes the full choir,
preparing to shout that the mercy of the Lord is from everlasting to
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