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David Lockwin—The People's Idol by John McGovern
page 162 of 249 (65%)
which alone will relieve the melancholia!

For Robert Chalmers finds that the weather still gives him a turn. If
the lost prescription will alone lift the oppression, is not the
annoyance considerable, providing Dr. Tarpion cannot be seen?

Robert Chalmers had planned a life at Florence. But now he is a man
without a body. It is enough. He will not also be a man without a
country. He will stay in New York.

In fact, a fortune of $75,000 is not so much! It will be well to
husband it. The books must be bought. Day after day the search must
go forward for copies like those in Chicago. Josephus! What other
copy will satisfy Robert Chalmers? Here is a handsome Josephus--as
fine as the one in Chicago. But did Davy's head ever lie on it?

Well, bear up then, Robert Chalmers. You are free at least. You need
not lie and cheat at elections. You need not live with a woman whose
heart is as cold as ice and whose pride is like the pride of an
Egyptian Pharaoh. You sunk that yawl well in the sands of Georgian
Bay! You filled it with stones!

You thought you were the sole survivor, yet how admirably the rescue of
Corkey and the boy abetted your escape, Robert Chalmers. They saw
David Lockwin die. They took his dying wishes. Fortunate that he
could not mention the deposit at New York!

But why is David Lockwin so dear? Why not forget him?

Did he play a part that credits him? Why stop at Washington and take
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