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David Lockwin—The People's Idol by John McGovern
page 172 of 249 (69%)
Claire. Here is some copy paper. Sit side of me. Screw your nut out
of my place, young feller," to a mere sight-seer. "Bet your life.
Don't take that seat neither! Go on, now!"

David Lockwin is to report the dedication of his own monument. He
trembles and grows thankful that Corkey has ceased to talk. The
audience gathers slowly. David Lockwin wonders it he be a madman thus
to expose himself. A memorial hospital! Did not Corkey speak of that?
The David Lockwin Annex!

This is awful! Lockwin has not read a word of it. Ay, but the
apartments are still at Gramercy Square. Why did he come? What fate
led him away? What devil has lured him back? Hold! Hold! There is
Esther! Lift her veil! Give her air! Esther, the beautiful!

The reporter for the Eau Claire paper groans with the people. His
heart falls to the bottom of the sea. She loves him! God bless her!
She loves him! Why did he not believe it at home? God bless her! Is
she not noble?

"She's a great dame," Corkey whispers loudly. "Special friend of mine.
You bet your sweet life I'd do anything for her. I'll find that yawl,

"The late honorable David Lockwin," begins the pastor of the
fashionable church.

"The late honorable David Lockwin," write the reporters.

"The late honorable David Lockwin," writes David Lockwin.
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