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David Lockwin—The People's Idol by John McGovern
page 19 of 249 (07%)
boss has never dealt with a similar mishap. He learns that ten wagons
have been engaged by the president of the sailors' society. He
observes that the season is favorable to Corkey's plans.

What, then, does Corkey want?


What is he after? He surely doesn't expect to go to Washington!

"That's what I expect. You just screw your nut straight that time,

What does he want to go to Congress for?

"Well, my father got there. I guess my grandfather was in, too. My
great-grandfather wasn't no bad player. But I don't care nothing for
dead men. I'm going to Congress to start the labor party. I'm going
to have Eight Hours and more fog-horns on the Manitous and the Foxes.
I'm going to have a Syrena on the break-water."

The siren-horn is just now the wonder of the lake region.

"I tell you she'll be a bird."

The eyes grow brighter, the face grows dark, the mouth squares, the
head vibrates, the little tongue plays about a mass of jet-black
tobacco--the sneeze comes.

"That's a bird, too," says the political boss.
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