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David Lockwin—The People's Idol by John McGovern
page 203 of 249 (81%)
Is Judge Wandrell dead? The caller is adding together the mills,
pineries, elevators, hotels, steamers, steel mills, quarries and
railroads that Judge Wandrell owned on the great lakes.

The pleasant-faced lady thinks her caller ought to go.

He is angry at her. He shows it. He blames her as much as he does
Tarpion. He retreats reluctantly. A stranger is in possession of the
home of David Lockwin.

He was foolhardy a moment before. He is timid now.

He was rich. He has seven thousand. Esther is rich. She has five



The absence of love ruined David Lockwin. Love built Chicago. Love
erected the David Lockwin Hospital. Love supports David Lockwin. He
is a man to be pitied from the depths of the heart. Love makes him

He reads the revised scriptures. To love's empire has been added the
whole realm of charity. "Love," says the sacred word, "covereth a
multitude of sins."
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