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David Lockwin—The People's Idol by John McGovern
page 22 of 249 (08%)
fortunate man. If there were a decent way he would let Harpwood go to
Congress and be rid of him.

"Davy is very sick," she says, with a white face.

"What! My boy!! When was he taken? Is it diphtheria? What has the
doctor said? Why wasn't I called? Where is he? Here, Davy, here's
papa. Here's papa! Old boy! Old fel'! Oh, God, I'm so scared!"

All this as Lockwin goes up the stairs.

It is a wheezing little voice that replies; "S-u-h-p-e-s-o-J! What's
that, papa?"

"Does that hurt, Davy? There? or there?"

"That's 'Josephus,' papa, on your big book, that I'll have some day--it
I live. If I live I'll have all your books!"



If there be one thing of which great Chicago stands in fear, it is that
King Herod of the latter day, diphtheria.

This terror of the people is absolute, ignorant, and therefore supine.
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