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David Lockwin—The People's Idol by John McGovern
page 28 of 249 (11%)

"'Bon-Ton Grocery,' mamma; what is 'Bon-Ton?'"

"That is the name of the grocery."

"Yes, I see that. It's on the wagon, of course, but does Mr. Bon-Ton
keep your grocery?"

How, therefore, shall the book of this world be shut from Davy? But,
is it not a bad thing to see the child burst out crying in the midst of
an article?

"Don't write any more to-day, baby," the housekeeper would say.

"Come down and get the elephant I baked for yez, pet," the cook would

And then Richard Tarbelle would come around the corner with his basket,
his eye fastened on that window where the smiling child was pictured.

"Here, Davy. There was a banquet at the hotel last night. See that
bunch of grapes, now!"

"You are very kind, Mr. Tarbelle."

"Mrs. Lockwin, I have been a hard man all my life. When I had my
argument with the bishop on baptism--"

"Yes, Mr. Tarbelle, you are very kind."

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