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David Lockwin—The People's Idol by John McGovern
page 36 of 249 (14%)

"Esther," he says at last, "it must be done! It must be done! Give
him to me!"

"Oh, David, don't hurt him!"

The man has turned to brute. He seizes the child as the spoiler of a
city might begin his rapine.

"Pour the medicine--quick!"

It is ready.

"Now, Davy, you must take this, or I don't know but papa will--I don't
know but papa will kill you."

Up and down the little form is hurled. Stubbornly the little will
contends for its own liberty. Rougher and rougher become the motions,
darker and darker becomes the man's face--Satanic now--a murderer, bent
on having his own will.

"Oh, David, David!"

"Keep still, Esther! I'll tolerate nothing from you!"

Has there been a surrender of the gasping child? The man is too
murderous to hear it.

"I'll take it, papa! I'll take it, papa!"

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