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David Lockwin—The People's Idol by John McGovern
page 45 of 249 (18%)



"It is estimated," says the opposition press, "that Lockwin, the rich
man's candidate, backed by the machine, the organized toughs of the
'Levee,' and the gamblers, has spent over $25,000 of corruption money.
The primaries, which were held yesterday, were the most disgraceful
political exhibitions which have ever been offered in our civic
history. Harpwood was counted out in every ward but one. Corkey, the
sailors' candidate, carried two wards by the same tactics which the
police made use of elsewhere. In the First and Second, the officers
arrested all 'disturbers' on complaint of Corkeyites. Everywhere else
Corkeyites were either forced off the field or are now in the bull-pens
at the stations.

"As our interview with the mayor shows, he is unacquainted with facts
which everybody else possesses. It is well enough to repeat that we
shall never have a real mayor until the present rule-or-ruin machine
shall be destroyed.

"It is to be hoped that the split which threatens the convention of
to-day will herald the dawn of law-and-order rule, when bossism, clamor
for office, and saloon primaries will happily be things of the past."

The primaries which were held on Friday elected delegates to the
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