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David Lockwin—The People's Idol by John McGovern
page 51 of 249 (20%)
the whole population of the nation a reform of the civil service and an
entire abolition of the spoils system."

"I suppose," says the bouncer, "that things is going on too open in

The reading ceases.

"Ki-yi!" "Hooray!" "He-e-e-e-e-e!" "Zip-zip-zippee!"

There is a crash of peanuts, a tornado of bad air, a tempest of wild
and joyous noise.

"The platform was received with genuine enthusiasm. It was adopted
without a dissenting voice." Thus the reporters write hurriedly.

There has been an uproar ever since the question was put. Now, if the
delegate quicken his ear, he may hear the chairman commanding:

"All those in favor will vote 'aye!'"

Again there is the tempest. The Harpwood delegates have voted aye!

"What is it?" ask most of the delegates.

"Lockwin is nominated by acclamation," comes the answer from the front.

"Oh, is he?" say the delegates, Harpwood men and all.

There is a numerous outgo for liquor. A man is escorted to the stage.
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