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David Lockwin—The People's Idol by John McGovern
page 67 of 249 (26%)
The first lot without corks. And at last Lockwin goes to the closet
and gets the rubber bags made for such uses.

At one o'clock the doctor arrives. Lockwin has gone to the drug store
to get more flaxseed If he get it himself it will be done. If he
order it some fatal hour might pass. The cold air revives him. He
sees a crowd of men down the street. It is a polling-booth.

He strives to gather the fact that it is election day. Corkey is
running as an independent democrat, because the democratic convention
did not indorse him after he bolted from the Lockwin convention.

But for that strange fillip of politics Lockwin must have been beaten
before he began the campaign. Well, what is the election now? Davy
dying all the week, and not a soul suspecting it!

"Girls wanted!" The sign is on the basement windows. Yes, that
accounts for the strange disorganization of the household. That, in
some way, explains the cold furnaces and lack of the most needful

Never mind the girls. Plenty of them to be had. That doctor--what can
he say for himself?

The man starts as he enters the house. What was it Davy said last
night? That "the doctor's both horses were sick!" It is a
disagreeable recollection, therefore banish it, David Lockwin. Go up
and see the doctor.

The door is reached. Perhaps the child is already easier. The door is
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