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David Lockwin—The People's Idol by John McGovern
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"Who is Harpwood?" asks Lockwin.

"I'm blessed if I know," answers Dr. Tarpion.

"How long has he been in town?"

"Not over two years."

"Do you know anybody who knows him?"

"He owes me a bill."

"What was he sick of?"


The man and woman repass. The woman looks toward Lockwin and his dear
friend the renowned Dr. Irenaeus Tarpion. Guests speak of Harpwood.
His suit is bold. The lady is apparently interested.

"I should not think you would like that?" says the doctor.

"Why should I care, after all?" asks Lockwin.

"Well, if ever I have seen two men whose destinies are hostile, it
seems to me that you and Harpwood fill the condition. If he gets into
Wandrell's family you might as well give up politics."

"Perhaps I might do that anyhow."
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