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David Lockwin—The People's Idol by John McGovern
page 85 of 249 (34%)

"The train goes East at 4:45. Don't lose a moment. Lucky I found you."

The newspaper press is in possession of a sensation. On Monday morning
we quote: "A plot has been revealed which might have resulted in the
loss of the First district, and possibly of Congress, just at the
moment the re-apportionment bill was to be passed. Notice of contest
has been served on Congressman Lockwin as a blind for subsequent
operations, and yesterday the newly elected member left hurriedly for
Washington to consult with the attorney general. It is evident that
the federal authorities will inquire into the high-handed outrages
which swelled the votes of Corkey and the other unsuccessful candidates
on election day.

"The time is coming," concludes the article, "when lynch law will be
dealt out to the repeaters who haunt the tough precincts at each
election day."

The prominent citizens say among themselves: "We ought to do something
pretty soon, or these ward politicians will be governing the nation!"



Corkey is at Owen Sound. The political bee is buzzing in his bonnet.
Collector of the port--this office seems small to a man who really
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