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David Lockwin—The People's Idol by John McGovern
page 89 of 249 (35%)

"That settles it. Landlord, give us that sour mash."

"Train's coming!"

The drinks are hurriedly swallowed and paid for, and the men are off
for the depot near by.

"How are ye, Lockwin?" "How-dy-do, Corkey. Where have you got me?
Going to murder me and get to Congress in my place?"

"No, but I expect you're going to resign and let me in."

"Where's your boat? I hear they're waiting. I suppose we can get
supper on board. Why did you choose such a place as this?"

"Well, cap, I had a long slate to fix up when I came here. If I was to
be collector, of course I want to make my pile out of it, and I must
take care of the boys. But I didn't start out to be collector, and
I've about failed to make any slate at all. Yet, if I'm to sell out to
you folks, I reckon I couldn't do it on any boat in the open lakes.
I'm not sure but Georgian Bay is purty prominent. Captain Grant, this
is Mr. Lockwin, of Chicago. This is the captain of the Africa. Mr.
Bodine, Mr. Lockwin, of Chicago. Mr. Bodine is station-keeper here.
Mr. Troy, Mr. Lockwin. Mr. Troy keeps the hotel. Mr. Flood, Mr.
Lockwin. Mr. Flood runs the bank and keeps the postoffice and general

The group nears the hotel.

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