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David Lockwin—The People's Idol by John McGovern
page 94 of 249 (37%)
Lockwin sits in the same uncommunicative attitude.

"Pardner, you didn't come out into Georgian Bay for nothing. I know
that. So I will tell you what I am going to do with the collectorship.
By the great jumping Jewhillikins, that's a wave in the stateroom
windows! I never see anything like that."

The captain passes.

"High sea, cap'n!" It is not in good form for Corkey to rise. He is a
passenger, with a navigator's reputation to sustain.

"High hell!" says the captain.

"What a hullabaloo them choppers is a-making," says Corkey to Lockwin.
"I reckon they're about scared to death. Well, as I was a-saying, I
want to know what the jam-jorum said."

Corkey is terrified. He does not fear that he will go down in Georgian
Bay. He dreads to hear the bursting of the bladders that are
supporting him in his sea of glory.

Lockwin starts as from a waking dream:

"I beg your pardon, Mr. Corkey, but I could have told you at the start
that the administration, when it was confronted by the question whether
or not it would give you anything, said; 'No!' It will give you
nothing. The administration said it would not appoint you lightkeeper
at Ozaukee."

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