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The Ceremonies of the Holy-Week at Rome by Charles Michael Baggs
page 32 of 154 (20%)
on the steps of the throne between the deacon and subdeacon, who bear
two larger palms. His Holiness reads the usual prayers over the palms,
sprinkles them with holy water, and incenses them three times.

[Sidenote: Distribution of the palms.]

When the palms have been blessed[33], the Cardinal Dean receives from
the governor of Rome and presents to the Pope those three palms, which
were borne by _M. Sagrista_, the deacon and subdeacon. One of these
is held during the service by the prince assistant at the throne,
the other two are delivered to the care of _M. Coppiere_, one of the
_Camerieri segreti partecipanti_: the shortest is carried by the Pope
in the procession. An embroidered apron is now placed over the Pope's
knees, and the cardinals in turn receive a palm from Him, kissing
the palm, his right hand and knee. The bishops present kiss the
palm which they receive and his right knee: and the mitred abbots
and _Penitenzieri_ kiss the palm and his foot[34], as do all who
come after them in the following order, which is observed also
on good-friday at the kissing of the cross, and it is also on
candlemas-day and ash-wednesday.

The Governor, the Prince assistant, the _Uditore della Camera_,
the Treasurer, the _Maggiordomo_, the Apostolic protonotaries; the
Generals of Religious Orders, the _Conservatori_ and Prior of the
_Caporioni_, the _Maestro del S. Ospizio_, the _Uditori di Rota_,
the _Maestro del S. Palazzo_, the _Votanti di Segnatura_, the
_Abbreviatori del Parco maggiore_, the priest, deacon, and subdeacon
who assist the cardinal who is to celebrate mass, the Masters of
ceremonies, the _Camerieri segreti_ and _d'onore_, the Consistorial
advocates, the _Cappellani segreti_, _d'onore_ and _comuni_, the
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