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The Outdoor Chums After Big Game - Or, Perilous Adventures in the Wilderness by Captain Quincy [pseud.] Allen
page 121 of 189 (64%)
was assisted up the bank. His first act, after coughing up a lot of
water, was to shake his fist at the grinning Frank, and then call out:

"Now you come on, and see how you like it!"

Frank did not wait upon the order of his going. As soon as he had the
rope secured under his arms he slipped down into the foamy water, and
began to buffet the current like a water spaniel.

After an exciting experience he, too, was drawn ashore, really none the
worse for his adventure.

"Shake hands, Frank. You did nobly. I might have laughed, only I didn't
seem to have breath enough," said Jerry, but the look in his eyes told
how he had enjoyed seeing his chum passing through the same experience.

A fire was made, so that the soaked ones might dry off. Meanwhile, Mr.
Mabie and Will succeeded in successfully shooting the rapids, though the
latter was wise enough to leave his precious camera in the care of

As noon found them still there, they took a "snack" before resuming the
water journey. Below the fierce rapids the current was still swift, but
there were places where the stream widened, and here the scenery was
very fine, although the leaves looked more or less parched on account of
the scarcity of rain during the summer that was passing.

An hour later, and they saw signs of smoke below.

"The boys have arrived ahead of us," said Mr. Mabie, pointing to the
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