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Young Folks Treasury, Volume 2 (of 12) by Various
page 111 of 718 (15%)
So saying she motioned the maidens away with her long, cold hand.

Then the Valkyries turned and fled up the steep way to the foot of
Odin's throne, like a pale snowdrift that flies before the storm.



Once upon a time Thor set out upon his travels, taking Loki with
him, for despite Loki's spirit of mischief he often aided Thor, who
doubtless, in the present expedition, felt that Loki might be of use
to him.

So they set off together in Thor's chariot, drawn by its two strong
he-goats, and as night drew nigh, stopped at the hut of a peasant,
where they asked food and shelter.

"Food I have none to give you," said the peasant. "I am a poor man and
not able even to give supper to my children, but if you like to rest
under my roof you are welcome to do so."

"Never mind the food; I can manage that," said Thor, dismounting from
the chariot and entering the hut.

It was a poor place, and not at all fitted to receive one of the Asi,
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