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Young Folks Treasury, Volume 2 (of 12) by Various
page 115 of 718 (16%)

At last Thor found a huge entrance opening into a wide, hall, and
passing through this they turned to the left into a large room which
was quite empty, and here, after eating some food, they stretched
themselves upon the hard floor and wearied out with the day's march,
soon fell asleep.

But they did not sleep long. Their slumbers were broken by a rumbling
sound as of a coming earthquake; the walls of the house shook, and
peals of thunder echoed through the lofty chamber.

Thor sprang up. "We are scarcely safe here," he said; "let us seek
some other room." Loki jumped up speedily, as did also Thialfe and
Raska, who were in a great fright, wondering what dreadful thing was
going to happen to them. They willingly followed Thor, hoping to find
a safer place.

To the right they saw another room like a long gallery with a huge
doorway, and into this Loki, Thialfe, and Raska crept, choosing the
farthest corner of it; but Thor took his stand at the doorway to be on
the watch if any fresh danger should threaten them.

After a somewhat uncomfortable rest, Loki, Thialfe, and Raska were not
sorry to find that the day had dawned, though as there were no windows
in the house, they only knew it by hearing the cock crow.

Thor was better off, for the doorway was so wide that the sunlight
came pouring in without hindrance. Indeed the huge size of the doorway
made Thor think that the builder must have given up all hope of ever
finding a door large enough to fit into it.
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