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Young Folks Treasury, Volume 2 (of 12) by Various
page 122 of 718 (16%)
Therefore Loki, was, of course, vanquished.

Then Utgarda Loke turned to Thialfe. "And pray, in what may this youth
be specially skilled?" he asked.

"I am a swift skater," answered Thialfe.

"Try him," said the King.

And Thialfe was led to a plain of ice, as smooth as glass, and one
named Hugr was set to run against him. But though Thialfe was the
swiftest skater ever known in the world, yet Hugr glided past him so
fleetly that he had returned to the starting-post before Thialfe had
done more than a quarter of the distance.

Three times did Thialfe match his speed against Hugr, and, three times
beaten, withdrew from the contest as disconsolate as Loki.

"And now may I ask what you can do yourself?" said the King to Thor.

"I can drain a wine-cup with any one," replied the god.

"Try him," said Utgarda Loke.

And forthwith the royal cupbearer presented a drinking-horn to Thor.

"If you are as great as you pretend to be," said the King, "you will
drain it at one draught. Some people take two pulls at it, but the
weakest among us can manage it in three."

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