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Prince Lazybones and Other Stories - $c By Mrs. W. J. Hays by Helen Ashe Hays
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Of all the illustrious families who have shone like gems upon the
earth's surface, none have been more distinguished in their way than the
Lazybones family; and were I so disposed I might recount their virtues
and trace their talents from a long-forgotten period. But interesting as
the study might prove, it would be a difficult task, and the attention I
crave for Prince Leo would be spent on his ancestors.

Of princely blood and proud birth, Leo was a youth most simple-minded.
He knew that much was expected of him, and that he was destined to rule;
yet so easily was he satisfied that his greatest happiness was to lie
all day basking in the sun or dawdling through his father's park with
his dog at his heels, the heels themselves in a very down-trodden state
of humility, watching with languid gaze the movements of the world
about him.

And the world just where he lived was very beautiful. On a fertile
plain, surrounded by mountain-peaks of great height, threaded by silver
streams, and so well watered that its vegetation was almost tropical,
was the estate of Leo's father, Prince Morpheus Lazybones. It had been
in the family for ages, and was so rich in timber and mineral resources
that none of its owners had cared to cultivate the land. Timber was cut
sparingly, however, because the market for it was too distant, and the
minerals remained in their native beds for much the same reason.

The family throve, notwithstanding, and were well supplied with all
manner of delicacies, for the servants were many, and there was never a
lack of corn or wine.

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