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A Review of the Resources and Industries of the State of Washington, 1909 by Ithamar Howell
page 18 of 198 (09%)
in western Washington are timbered areas at present.

Government Lands.

The remnant of government lands are chiefly among the more barren
areas of eastern Washington and the poorer forest lands of western
Washington. The method of obtaining title to government lands is
generally known, and if not, can be obtained from the general land
offices, one of which is in Seattle, Olympia, Vancouver, Spokane,
Waterville, Walla Walla and North Yakima. The government still holds
title to nearly six million acres, and, while the best has been
acquired by others, the diligent searcher can still find homesteads
and desert claims worth energy and considerable expense to secure.

State Lands.

A recent estimate of the value of the state lands still in possession
makes them worth 56 million dollars. They include nearly 3,000,000
acres, a large portion of which is heavily timbered. These lands
may be obtained from the state through the state land commissioner
by purchase outright on very easy terms, or may be leased for a
term of five to ten years at a low rental, the lessee receiving
virtually a first right to purchase.

These state lands are as good as any in the state and offer to the
homeseeker a splendid opportunity for a start.

[Page 15]
In this state there are also numerous tide lands, oyster lands,
and shore lands to be obtained at various prices, both from the
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