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A Review of the Resources and Industries of the State of Washington, 1909 by Ithamar Howell
page 20 of 198 (10%)
than this water power. Since the introduction of electricity as
a lighting and motive force, its creation by water power looms
into immense importance. The exhibition of its achievements to
be seen in Washington today is amazing to the men whose vision
of light and power was first with the tallow dip and four-footed
beasts, and later with kerosene and steam. Electricity, created
by our water falls, lights our cities and farm homes, draws our
street cars and some railroad cars--pushes most of the machinery
used in manufactories, to the great satisfaction and profit of
our citizens.

[Page 16]

The State of Washington was once a paradise for the sportsman in
its every corner. Its desert lands were full of jack rabbits and
sage hens; over its mountains and foothills roamed herds of elk,
mountain goats, deer, and many bear, cougar and wild cats. In its
timbered valleys were pheasants and grouse in plenty. Upon its
waters and sloughs the wild ducks and geese were in vast flocks,
while its waters teemed with salmon in many varieties, and several
families of the cod tribe, sole, flounders, perch, mountain trout
and other fish.

While these conditions cannot now be said to exist in full, yet
at certain seasons, and in some places, the same game, animals,
birds and fishes are in abundance, and the sportsman, while he
may not have his "fill," may satisfy a reasonable amount of his
craving for the excitement of the frontier. The state has deemed
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