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A Review of the Resources and Industries of the State of Washington, 1909 by Ithamar Howell
page 23 of 198 (11%)
forest sides of the mountains over innumerable waterfalls. Here
within the foothills you gaze upon the largest lake within the
state, a beauty spot to enchant alike the artist and the sportsman.
Deep within its rocky sides and full of speckled beauties lying
like a mirror in the stretch of green hills about it, lies Lake
Chelan, and on its unruffled bosom a fleet of boats ply for fifty
miles beyond its outlet till reach the mining foothills of the
mountains. A hundred miles eastward, still among the scattered
pines of northeastern Washington, the Spokane river tumbles in
masses of foam and spray over a succession of rocky falls on its
way to the Columbia, while still further on the Pend d'Oreille
and upper reaches of the Columbia river flow close up among the
mountains and foothills and present a series of beautiful combinations
of rock, trees, hills and valleys, of forests and waterfalls of
magnificent beauty. Washington in its scenery is magnificent in
proportions, wonderful in its variety, grand and imposing in form
and feature--picturesque--enticing--"a thing of beauty and a joy

[Page 18]


The description of the resources of a state naturally suggests what
its industries are. The forests of western Washington inevitably lead
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