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A Review of the Resources and Industries of the State of Washington, 1909 by Ithamar Howell
page 4 of 198 (02%)
detailed facts relating to their particular locality. Much valuable
information may be obtained on application to these organizations
or to local officials.

An expression of appreciation is due those who have assisted us
by supplying information and collecting photographs for use in
this publication. Without such aid the completion of the pamphlet
would have been materially delayed.

[Illustration: Plate No. 1.--Fruit Farm Adjoining Town of Asotin,
Asotin County.]

[Illustration: Plate No. 2--Asotin County Views.]

[Page 5]

The State of Washington as now constituted, was, prior to 1853,
a portion of the Territory of Oregon. During the year mentioned,
a new territory was carved from the old Oregon boundaries, which
the statesmen of that day evidently believed was marked by destiny
for the achievement of great things, for they conferred upon it
the name of Washington.

That our state, thus highly distinguished, has already demonstrated
itself worthy of the exalted name, so happily bestowed upon it, the
most carping critic must admit. With a population now reaching up
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