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John Henry Smith - A Humorous Romance of Outdoor Life by Frederick Upham Adams
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use his own expression, "See if I can make some kind of a book from it."
It was his idea that I should eliminate certain marked passages, and
disguise others, so as to conceal the identity of the originals. Since
Mr. Smith is abroad I can do as I please. Aside from renaming his
characters, I have left them exactly as he has drawn them. This may lead
him to do his own editing in the future.

I have also taken the liberty of reproducing some of the sketches made
by Mr. Smith. In addition to literary, artistic, and athletic gifts Mr.
Smith has had the rare good fortune to--but I must not anticipate his


Hastings-on-Hudson, N.Y.



I. Miss Harding is Coming 3

II. Mainly about Smith 21

III. Mr. Harding Wins a Bet 29

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