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Christianity and Islam in Spain (756-1031) by Charles Reginald Haines
page 4 of 246 (01%)
Doubtful martyrs--No persecution raging--The Muzarabes--Churches in
Cordova--Arab description of a church--Monasteries outside the
city--Voluntary martyrs, chiefly from Cordova--No ferment at
Elvira--Enthusiasts not a large body--Their leaders--The moderate
party--Objections against the martyrs--Voluntary martyrdoms forbidden by
the Church--Answer of apologists--Evidence as to persecution--Apologists
inconsistent--Eulogius and Alvar--Reviling of Mohammed--Martyrs worked
no miracles--Defence of apologists illogical--Martyrs put to death not
by idolaters--Death without torture--Their bodies corrupted--Moslem
taunts--Effect of martyrdoms on the Moslems--Prohibition of
relics--Traffic in relics--They work miracles--Relics taken from Spain
to France--Expedition of monks for that purpose--St Vincent's
body--Relics of George, Aurelius, etc., carried off--Return to
France--Measures of the moderate party--Of the
Moslems--Reccafredus--supported by the majority of Christians--Fanatics
coerced--Anathematized--Action of king--Suspects political
movement--Revolt at Toledo--Grand Council--Measures against
zealots--Meditated persecution--The extreme party broken
up--Apostasies--Reason of these--The exceptor Gomez--The decision of the
Council--Cessation of martyrdoms 54-73


National party--Revolt of Spaniards against Arabs--Martyrs in
battle--Martyrdoms under Abdurrahman III.--Pelagius--Argentea--The
monks of Cardena--Eugenia--No real persecution under the Great
Khalif--General view of Christian Church in Spain under Abdurrahman
II.--Civil position of Christians--Councils--Neglect of Latin--Arabic
compulsory--Protests of Alvar, etc.--Latin forgotten--Cultivation of
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