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The Quest of the Silver Fleece - A Novel by W. E. B. (William Edward Burghardt) Du Bois
page 68 of 484 (14%)
"She is a bold, godless thing; I don't understand her."

"The two are not quite the same."

"Of course not; but she is unnaturally forward."

"Too bright," Miss Smith amplified.

"Yes; she knows quite too much. You surely remember that awful scarlet
dress? Well, all her clothes have arrived, or remained, at a simplicity
and vividness that is--well--immodest."

"Does she think them immodest?"

"What she thinks is a problem."

"_The_ problem, you mean?"

"Well, yes."

They paused a moment. Then Miss Smith said slowly: "What I don't
understand, I don't judge."

"No, but you can't always help seeing and meeting it," laughed Miss

"Certainly not. I don't try; I court the meeting and seeing. It is the
only way."

"Well, perhaps, for us--but not for a boy like Bles, and a girl like
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