The Great Round World and What Is Going On In It, Vol. 1, No. 16, February 25, 1897 - A Weekly Magazine for Boys and Girls by Various
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NO. 3 AND 5 WEST 18TH ST., NEW YORK CITY =School Books Wanted= The following school books will be taken in exchange for subscriptions for "Great Round World" at prices named. Send books by express prepaid. Send none which are much soiled or worn; pages must not be torn nor missing. Mark package--"GREAT ROUND WORLD, 3 and 5 West 18th Street, New York City, care William Beverley Hanson." Put your name on package and send a list by mail with your subscription order. =We can use Standard School Books of all kinds, send List of any you may wish to dispose of.= =READERS.= Barnes' First, 20c. Second, 30c. Third, 40c. Appleton's " 15c. " 25c. " 30c. Cyr's " 20c. " 25c. " 30c. New Franklin " 20c. " 30c. " 35c. McGuffey's Revised " 15c. " 25c. " 30c. Stickney's " 10c. " 15c. " 20c. Swinton's " 20c. " 30c. " 40c. Information " 30c. " 30c. " 30c. |