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Punch, or the London Charivari, Volume 152, May 9, 1917 by Various
page 3 of 52 (05%)

To mark the disapproval of a tax on complimentary theatre tickets
several lifelong supporters of the British drama have already
requested leading managers to take their names off the free list.


We learn from the Press, among the things that matter, that for
two years a well-known Wye Valley angler has been trying to catch a
certain large trout and at last he has succeeded in securing it. We
understand that the trout died with a smile on his face.


We hope it is not due to the distraction of war, but America seems to
be losing her dash. At a baseball match in New York the other day only
three of the spectators were injured.


At the Shoreditch Tribunal a firm appealing for a man stated that he
was "a director, traveller, buyer, manager, acted as cashier and
costs clerk, loaded the vans, kept the place clean and made himself
generally useful." It is just as well that they added the last item,
or people might have thought he was one of those slackers we hear to
much about.


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