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Notes and Queries, Number 56, November 23, 1850 by Various
page 2 of 60 (03%)
The Nonjurors--Booksellers' Catalogues--Bailie
Nicol Jarvie--Camels in Gaul 420


Bibliographical Queries 421
Dryden's "Essay upon Satire" 422
Minor Queries:--Ænius Silvius (Pope Pius II.)--
"Please the Pigs"--To save one's Bacon--Arabic
Numerals--Cardinal--"By the bye"--Poisons--
Cabalistic Author--Brandon the Juggler--Jacobus
Præfectus Siculus--The Word "after" in the Rubric--
Hard by--Thomas Rogers of Horminger--Armorial
Bearings--Lady Compton's Letter to her Husband--
Romagnasi's Works--Christopher Barker's Device 423


Licensing of Books, by C.H. Cooper 425
Remains of James II., by Dr. J.R. Wreford 427
Judge Cradock, by H.T. Ellacombe 427
Replies to Minor Queries:--Replies by George Stephens:
On a Passage in the "Tempest;" Legend of a Saint;
Cupid and Psyche; Kongs Skuggsia--Disputed Passage
in the "Tempest"--Viscount Castlecomer--Steele's
Burial-place--Cure for Warts--Etymology of
"Parse" 429

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