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Narrative of the Life and Adventures of Henry Bibb, an American Slave, Written by Himself by Henry Bibb
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From the most obnoxious substances we often see spring forth,
beautiful and fragrant, flowers of every hue, to regale the eye, and
perfume the air. Thus, frequently, are results originated which are
wholly unlike the cause that gave them birth. An illustration of this
truth is afforded by the history of American Slavery.

Naturally and necessarily, the enemy of literature, it has become the
prolific theme of much that is profound in argument, sublime in
poetry, and thrilling in narrative. From the soil of slavery itself
have sprung forth some of the most brilliant productions, whose
logical levers will ultimately upheave and overthrow the system.
Gushing fountains of poetic thought, have started from beneath the rod
of violence, that will long continue to slake the feverish thirst of
humanity outraged, until swelling to a flood it shall rush with
wasting violence over the ill-gotten heritage of the oppressor.
Startling incidents authenticated, far excelling fiction in their
touching pathos, from the pen of self-emancipated slaves, do now
exhibit slavery in such revolting aspects, as to secure the
execrations of all good men, and become a monument more enduring than
marble, in testimony strong as sacred writ against it.

Of the class last named, is the narrative of the life of Henry Bibb,
which is equally distinguished as a revolting portrait of the hideous
slave system, a thrilling narrative of individual suffering, and a
triumphant vindication of the slave's manhood and mental dignity. And
all this is associated with unmistakable traces of originality and
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