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The Rise of Silas Lapham by William Dean Howells
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by William Dean Howells

by William Dean Howells


WHEN Bartley Hubbard went to interview Silas Lapham
for the "Solid Men of Boston" series, which he undertook
to finish up in The Events, after he replaced their
original projector on that newspaper, Lapham received
him in his private office by previous appointment.

"Walk right in!" he called out to the journalist, whom he
caught sight of through the door of the counting-room.

He did not rise from the desk at which he was writing,
but he gave Bartley his left hand for welcome, and he
rolled his large head in the direction of a vacant chair.
"Sit down! I'll he with you in just half a minute."

"Take your time," said Bartley, with the ease he instantly felt.
"I'm in no hurry." He took a note-book from his pocket,
laid it on his knee, and began to sharpen a pencil.
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