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The Cyder-Maker's Instructor, Sweet-Maker's Assistant, and Victualler's and Housekeeper's Director - In Three Parts by Thomas Chapman
page 10 of 23 (43%)

_Note_, Lac _is milk, but the cream must be skimm'd off it for use_.


The reason that cyder is sometimes oily, is owing to the fruit not
being sorted alike; for the juice of fruit that is not ripe will
seldom mix with ripe juice in fermentation. The acid part of one will
predominate over the other, and throw the oily particles from it,
which separation gives the liquor a disagreeable, foul taste; to
remedy which you must treat it in the following manner, which will
cause the oily parts to swim at top, and then you may rack the liquor
from its bottom and oil.

To a hogshead, take an ounce of salt of tartar, and two ounces of half
sweet spirit of nitre, mix them in a gallon of _lac_, and whisk them
well together; apply it to the hogshead, bung it up, and let it stand
ten or fifteen days; then put a cock within two inches of the bottom
of the hogshead, and rack it.

Observe when it runs low, to look to the cock, lest any of the oily
part should come, which will be all on the top, and will not run out
till after the good liquor is drawn off.

Put to the clean a quart of forcing, to raise it, and bung it close.

_Note_, When you take out the oil and bottom, your cask must be well
fired, otherwise it will spoil all the liquor that shall be afterwards
put into it.
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