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The Cyder-Maker's Instructor, Sweet-Maker's Assistant, and Victualler's and Housekeeper's Director - In Three Parts by Thomas Chapman
page 17 of 23 (73%)
full, it will be fit to have a body laid on it, in three or four days

I shall here proportion the ingredients for a pipe, supposing it quite
acid, so as but just recoverable.

Take two gallons of lac, and two ounces of isinglass, boil them a
quarter of an hour; strain the liquor, and let it stand 'till it
is cold; then break it well with your whisk, and put four pounds of
alabaster and three pounds of whiting to it. Stir them well together,
and add one ounce of salt of tartar to the whole. Mix by degrees some
of the wine with it, so as to dilute it to a thin liquor. Apply this
to the cask, and stir it well with your paddle. This will immediately
discharge the acid part from it, as was said before.

When it is off and quite down, bung it up for three days, then
rack it, and you'll find part of its body gone off by the strong
fermentation. To remedy this, you must lay a fresh body on it in
proportion to the degree to which it hath been lower'd by the above
process; always having special care not to alter flavour. And this
must be done with clarified sugar; for no fluid body will agree with
it but what will make it thinner, or confer its own taste; therefore
the following is the best manner.

To lay a fresh body on the WINES.

Take three quarters of a hundred of brown sugar, and put into your
copper, then put a gallon of lime water to it, to keep it from
burning. Keep stirring it about 'till it boils; then take three eggs
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