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Scientific American Supplement, No. 388, June 9, 1883 by Various
page 3 of 156 (01%)
of Pneumonia. Consumption, and Diseases of Women.--By DAVID
WARK. M.D.--Pneumonia.--The true first stage of Consumption. The
development of tubercular matter in the blood.--The value of
cod-liver oil in the prevention of consumption.--The influence
of normal breathing on the female generative organs--Showing how
the breathing powers may be developed.--The effects of adequate
respiration in special cases.

Vital Discoveries in Obstructed Air and Ventilation.

IV. ELECTRICITY.--The Portrush Electric Railway, Ireland.--By Dr.

The Thomson-Houston Electric Lighting System.--4 figures.

A Modification of the Vibrating Bell.--2 figures.

V. CHEMISTRY.--Acetate of Lime.

Reconversion of Nitroglycerine into Glycerine. By C.L. BLOXAM.

Carbonic Acid and Bisulphide of Carbon. By JOHN TYNDALL.

VI. AGRICULTURE AND HORTICULTURE.--Propagation of Maple Trees.

Dioscorea Retusa.--Illustration.

Ravages of a Rare Scolytid Beetle in the Sugar Maples of
Northeastern New York.--Several figures.

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