The Adventures of Prickly Porky by Thornton W. (Thornton Waldo) Burgess
page 15 of 61 (24%)
page 15 of 61 (24%)
or wings, and you didn't say anything about its having wings,"
demanded Mrs. Peter. Peter scratched his head in great perplexity. Suddenly he had a happy thought. "Mr. Blacksnake runs fast enough, but he doesn't have legs, does he?" he asked in triumph. Little Mrs. Peter looked a bit discomfited. "No-o," she admitted slowly, "he doesn't have legs; but I never could understand how he runs without them." "Well, then," snapped Peter, "if he can run without legs, why can't other creatures? Besides, this one didn't run exactly; it rolled. Now I've told you all I'm going to. I need a long nap, after all I've been through, so don't let any one disturb me." "I won't," replied Mrs. Peter meekly. "But, Peter, if I were you, I wouldn't tell that story to any one else." VI PETER HAS TO TELL HIS STORY MANY TIMES Once you start a story you cannot call it back; It travels on and on and on and ever on, alack! |