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Captivity by M. Leonora Eyles
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Bexhill-on-Sea, _1st February, 1920._

"Man comes into life to seek and find his sufficient beauty, to
serve it, to win and increase it, to fight for it; to face anything
and dare anything for it, counting death as nothing so long as the
dying eyes still turn to it. And fear and dulness and indolence and
appetite--which, indeed, are no more than fear's three crippled brothers
who make ambushes and creep by night--are against him, to delay him, to
hold him off, to hamper and beguile and kill him in that quest."

H. G. Wells ("The History of Mr. Polly").



As long as Marcella could remember, the old farm-house had lain in
shadows, without and within.

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